Giriş 1 - 14 Temmuz haftası için okuyup geliniz.
- 1. Seminer: Nörobilim ve Eğitim - Yrd. Doç. Dr. Murat Perit Çakır
- Bilişsel Sinirbilim ve Öğrenme
- Brain Waves Module 2: Neuroscience: implications for education and lifelong learning
Giriş 2 - 21 Temmuz haftası için okuyup geliniz.
- 2. Seminer: Nörobilim ve Nöroteknoloji - Prof. Dr. Uğur Halıcı
- Understanding the Brain: The Birth of a Learning Science - Chapter 1. An “ABC” of the Brain & Chapter 2. How the Brain Learns throughout Life
Eğitim ve Nöromitler & Eye Tracking Demo - 28 Temmuz haftası için okuyup geliniz.
- Understanding the Brain: The Birth of a Learning Science - Chapter 6. Dispelling "Neuromyths"
- Urban Myths about Learning and Education
- Psychological Review: The Practical and Principled Problems With Educational Neuroscience
Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Matematik Eğitimi - 4 Ağustos haftası için okuyup geliniz.
Haftanın Sorumluları: Sinem Sözen Özdoğan, Gamze Türkmen
- 3. Seminer: Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Matematik Eğitimi - Sinem Sözen Özdoğan, Gamze Türkmen
- Understanding the Brain: The Birth of a Learning Science - Chapter 5. Numeracy and the Brain
- Neuroscience and the Teaching of Mathematics
- Educational Neuroscience (2013) - Chapter 8. Mathematical Development
- Neuroscientific studies of mathematical thinking and learning: a critical look from a mathematics education viewpoint
- Does math education modify the approximate number system? A comparison of schooled and unschooled adults
Konuk Konuşmacı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Erol Özçelik - 11 Ağustos
Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Fen Eğitimi & FNIR Demo - 18 Ağustos haftası için okuyup geliniz.
Haftanın Sorumluları: Yurdagül Boğar, Gamze Çetinkaya
- 5. Seminer: FNIR Demo - Yrd. Doç. Dr. Murat Perit Çakır
- 6. Seminer: Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Fen Eğitimi - Yurdagül Boğar, Gamze Çetinkaya
- Fugelsang, J., & Mareschal, D. (2014). The development and application of scientific reasoning. In D. Mareschal, B. Butterworth & A. Tolmie (Eds.), Educational neuroscience (pp. 237–267). Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Liu, C. J., & Huang, C. F. (2016). Innovative science educational neuroscience: Strategies for engaging brain waves in science education. In M. H. Chiu (Ed.), Science education research and practice in Taiwan: Challenges and opportunities (pp. 233–247). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.
- Oliver, M. (2011). Towards an understanding of neuroscience for science educators. Studies in Science Education, 47(2), 211-235.
- Masson, S., Potvin, P., Riopel, M., & Foisy, L. M. B. (2014). Differences in brain activation between novices and experts in science during a task involving a common misconception in electricity. Mind, Brain, and Education, 8(1), 44-55.
- Mareschal, D. (2016). The neuroscience of conceptual learning in science and mathematics. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 10, 114-118.
Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Okul Öncesi Eğitimi & Emotiv EPOC Demo - 25 Ağustos haftası için okuyup geliniz.
Haftanın Sorumluları: Berna Sicim, Simge Yılmaz, Selda Aras
- 7. Seminer: Emotiv EPOC Demo - Dr. Menaf Gül
- 8. Seminer: Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Okul Öncesi Eğitimi - Berna Sicim, Simge Yılmaz, Selda Aras
- Farmer-Dougan, V., & Alferink, L. A. (2013). Brain development, early childhood, and brain-based education: A critical analysis. In Wasserman, L. H., & Zambo, D. (EDs.)., Early childhood and neuroscience - Links to development and learning (pp. 55-76). Dordrecht : Springer.
- Sripada, K. (2012). Neuroscience in the Capital: Linking Brain Research and Federal Early Childhood Programs and Policies. Early Education and Development, 23(1), 120-130.
- Hannon, P. (2003). Developmental neuroscience: Implications for early childhood intervention and education. Current Pediatrics, 13(1), 58-63.
- Nelson, C. A., Monk, C. S., Lin, J., Carver, L. J., Thomas, K. M., & Truwit, C. L. (2000). Functional neuroanatomy of spatial working memory in children. Developmental Psychology,36(1), 109-116.
- Alexander, G. M., Wilcox, T., & Woods, R. (2009). Sex differences in infants' visual interest in toys. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 38(3), 427-433.
Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Eğitim Teknolojileri - 8 Eylül haftası için okuyup geliniz.
Haftanın Sorumluları: Sibel Doğan, Ecenaz Alemdağ
- 9. Seminer: Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Eğitim Teknolojileri - Sibel Doğan, Ecenaz Alemdağ (Video 1 - Video 2)
- Sharples, J., & Kelley, P. (2015). Introduction to Learning, Media and Technology neuroscience and education special edition. Learning, Media and Technology, 40(2), 127-130.
- Howard-Jones, P., Ott, M., van Leeuwen, T., & De Smedt, B. (2015). The potential relevance of cognitive neuroscience for the development and use of technology-enhanced learning. Learning, Media and Technology, 40(2), 131-151.
- Howard-Jones, P., Holmes, W., Demetriou, S., Jones, C., Tanimoto, E., Morgan, O., Perkin, D., & Davies, N. (2015). Neuroeducational research in the design and use of a learning technology. Learning, Media and Technology, 40(2), 227-246.
- Antonietti, A., Colombo, B., & Di Nuzzo, C. (2015). Metacognition in self-regulated multimedia learning: integrating behavioural, psychophysiological and introspective measures. Learning, Media and Technology, 40(2), 187-209.
- Horvath, J.C. (2014). Neuroscience of Powerpoint. Mind, Brain, and Education, 8(3), 137-143.
- Ninaus, M., Kober, S. E., Friedrich, E. V., Dunwell, I., De Freitas, S., Arnab, S., ... & Bellotti, F. (2014). Neurophysiological methods for monitoring brain activity in serious games and virtual environments: A review. International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 6(1), 78-103.
Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Dil Eğitimi - 29 Eylül haftası için okuyup geliniz.
Haftanın Sorumluları: Ceyda Cengiz, Ebru Boynueğri, Fatma Işkın Demirel
- 10. Seminer: Eğitsel Nörobilim ve Dil Eğitimi - Ceyda Cengiz, Ebru Boynueğri, Fatma Işkın Demirel (Video 1 - Video 2 - Video 3)
- Kuhl, P. K. & Rivera-Gaxiola, M. (2008). Neural substrates of language acquisition. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 31, 511-534.
- Petitto, L. A. (2009). New discoveries from the bilingual brain and mind across the lifespan: Implications for education. International Journal of Mind, Brain, and Education, 3(4), 185-197.
- Yang J, Gates KM, Molenaar P, Li P (2015) Neural changes underlying successful second language word learning: an fMRI study. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 33, 29 –49.
- Stromswold, K. (2000). The cognitive neuroscience of language acquisition. M. Gazzaniga (ed.), The new cognitive neurosciences, second edition, 909-932. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
- Pu, H., Holcomb, P.J.& Midgley, K.J. (2016). Neural changes underlying early stages of L2 vocabulary acquisition. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 40, 55-65.
- Gouvea, A.C. (2011). Current Advances in Neurolinguistics: the use of electroencephalography (EEG) to study language. Revista Linguistica, 7 (2), 77-89.
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